Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Climate change and river discharge

For a number of basins the annual discharge is a linear functionsuch as
discharge= total rainfall on the basin minus a large value

There is a zero discharge for about 700 mm mean rainfall over the Volta (and Chari) basins. A 10 % change in the rainfall leads to a 30 % change in discharge.
Have we got examples for other BFP basins ? Does it apply to wet basins?

Monday, 22 June 2009

3 themes of GCC in river basins

It may be helpful to consider organizing thought around 3 major themes:
  • Changing climate, and impact on water balance
  • Impacts of climate change on agricultural systems
  • The dynamic response of systems to these changes
Any suggestions of additional themes or reorganization welcome


This blog has been set up to discuss aspects of climate change in river basins to help develop a forthcoming book chapter from the basin focal projects of the CPWF.

For more information about the basin focal projects, visit here.
For more information about the Challenge Program on Water and Food, visit here